Life Coaching

I am a Certified Life Coach, I can help you to transform any aspect of you life. I specialise in working with survivors of cancer, life changing and illnesses. I help guide my clients post illness through their transition back to full health, a new life, a new them. Now realising that life is too short not to live it wholly and fully, my coaching helps these amazing women and men revamp their careers and lives. I guide them from where they are to where they their heart and soul truly lies and reignite the fire within their souls and leave behind feelings of loss, loneliness and anxiety. 

If this sounds like you or someone you know I would love to offer you a complimentary Discovery Call.

Louise Ennis Transformation Life Coach North Wales Life Changing Cancer Illness Career Soul

Discovery Call

This is a no obligation opportunity for us to get to know each other, we’ll discuss your Pre-Coaching Questionnaire and see if we’re a good match.


3 month Life Coaching Series - £400 (payable in advance, instalments also available) for six 1 hour sessions and email support throughout and 1 month thereafter.
Empower Hour Session - £99 for a 90 minute intensive session and a 30 minute follow up 2 weeks later. Ideal for anyone who needs support on getting clear on where they are right now and where their life journey is taking them.

Sessions can be face to face or online via Zoom.

I accept card, Paypal or a bank transfer. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment please give 24 hours notice or you may be charged.