
I had a BWRT (Brain Working Recursive Therapy) consultation with Louise to address some issues I was having after suffering a traumatic period of four years with a former employer. Louise suggested trying BWRT. I went away and did some research and found that Louise had been trained by the founder Terence Watts.
I feel that it has given me the confidence to put all the trauma I suffered behind me and I can finally deal with it and move on.

I didn’t think this was possible but I want to say a big THANK YOU to Louise. This has been paradigm shifting for me.
— Avril Cambray.
Louise, thank you so much for all your help over the last month. You’ve literally changed my life. You don’t know how free it makes me feel to know i can now stand up in front of people and not just remember my name, but the actual purpose of my being there, without the uncontrollable burning panic that has taken over my body for the past 40 years!! I honestly can’t thank you enough, huge love!!
— Carolyne Stalman - Naked Aesthetics North Wales
All my life i have loved flying that is until 4 year’s ago when the plane i was flying in hit servere turbulence and was struck by lightning. Ever since I’ve had a fear of flying although i have flown since it’s only been with the aid of prescription drug’s to help calm the nerves. So this time i thought I’d fly without, and with the help of louise’s hypnotherapy skill”s. I’ve never had any sort of therapy before and so this was my first experience and i am so glad i did, my outbound flight was a little tense at time’s but nothing my mind couldn’t handle. And the return flight was 100% fine we hit really bad turbulence a few time’s and not once did i react or feel cause for concern. My opinion is that hypnotherapy is a great method for fear of flying, but you have to be strong minded and have determination along with it. Would highly recommend thank you
Louise xx
— Phil Hughes
My time spent with Louise was enjoyable and very beneficial to me personally and to my business. Her approach is honest and caring. I would highly recommend Louise.
— Damian Powell - Company Director
Working with Louise has been absolutely wonderful. She’s fun, engaging, and incredibly intuitive. She’s helped me create an amazing change in my life and subsequently in the lives of my friends and family. Working with her has been such a blessing.
— DJ Seidel
While I wasn’t sceptical about hypnotherapy, I wasn’t completely convinced it would help me with my extreme spider phobia. I had reached a point where the phobia affected my normal day-to-day life, so I was recommended to work with Louise to help me. I can honestly say that the result has been life-changing. To not have the anxieties about spiders anymore is completely liberating and I genuinely feel like a big weight has been lifted. Louise was so professional and reassuring throughout, and I’d have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone else. In fact, I’d say ‘go for it’ and I bet like me, you’ll wish you had done it sooner!
— Caroline Burnell - PR and Internal Communications Manager
After years of suffering from a sleep problem and trying many remedies to cure it, none of which had lasting effects I approached Louise to give me some help and support with the issue.
Together we were able to find the root cause if my sleep issue, which in my case was having too many things on my mind and too many “to do lists”. All of which played a huge part in disturbing my sleep.
After sessions with Louise and listening to the CD I was able to unload my busy mind and get myself into the correct frame of mind for a peaceful night’s sleep.
I now listen to the CD as part of my evening routine, I am falling to sleep easily and feeing well rested and refreshed every morning. Thank you Louise.
— Hayley Jones
I went to see Louise in the hope of relieving my IBS. The course of treatment was approximately 10 weeks long and it was for around one hour each week. I was sceptical at first, having suffered with my symptoms for many years.
After a few weeks I noticed a difference, my symptoms had eased greatly.
Ten weeks on and my symptoms have improved tenfold. I can now tolerate foods that I haven’t been able to for years.
I recommend this treatment to all fellow IBS sufferers, it is well worth the small amount of time it takes as it’s made a huge impact to my life.
— Terri Starr